Mina Älg-sklingar
"Why am I here? What am I doing here? Purpose? Destiny? Fate? Crap. Living the moment. How the hell do you do that? Is my life meaningful, just that I can't see that. I often wonder. But, you can't have the cake and eat it too. Rembember that. Just loose it. Go crazy. "
"Live like it was your last day. Last hour. Last minute. Rather have a fun, short life than a long life with rules that restrain you. It's easier saying than doing, ey?"
"Snap back to reality!"
"Loved? Friends? It's all fantasy, right? I surely hope not. What the hell am I afraid of?!"
She's got the look. Not.
I'm doing the opposite, ey? Try not to write too personal. You know anyone can read it. Just had to get some things out. Okay? This is the last time. I never talk about my feelings and thoughts. Noones interested. So this is it. The last input. My thoughts. The Internet brings out the worst in me. It's not me I'm showing. Lunarstorm, blogg, msn, it's all the same shit. What happened to real people? Queen was so right. Soon everything will be virtualized. Globalsoft.com. Controls you. Nah, it's not that serious. But still, I don't like what it has done to me. Stopped me from being someone. Held me back. Why go out? Everyone I know is here. I must check my e-mail every 20th second. My lunar. Who''s on msn? Anyone I wanna talk to? I better look. Every 5th second. Why? Why? From now on, do I wanna talk to someone I phone them. Yeah right...but I'm gonna try. I just share too much on the internet. It's easier without a face to talk to. Well guess what? What happens when karma comes round and bite you? Everything you say is going to come back at you. Always listen. Never share. Bullshit.
It has just gone too far when my friends depend on the internet. It's just sad. Without it I wouldn't know what my friends were up to. That is too wierd, creepy, sad.... What the hell happened to real relations? Is it real? Is relations on the internet real. Lisa thinks so. She has had a lot over the years. Nothing wrong with it. It just scares me a bit. I mean..nowadays you can have video-talks. You can actually talk with someone on the internet while hearing and seeing that person. How creepy isn't that?! Cool...yeah, but creepy. So what? I don't need to go out anymore? I can handle everything with just the net? I can order pizza, furnitures, clothes, pay my bills, post mail, talk to my friends. Why go out at all? For now, people go out because there is something there that you cannot find on the internet. Well, some time ago people went out so see their friends and maybe eat. Now you can do that on the net. So when will the time come when we just don't bother to go out at all? Will that time ever come?
In Asia they played a game with rocks. You throw them and catch them. It's fun. In the norht we played with bark and cones. You actually went outside to play. Videogames, computergames, dvd:s, karaoke...it's all keeping the children inside. You know, I actually saw dvd:s in a Toys R Us-magazine. Yeah. Barbie-dvd:s. Batman dvd:s. A videocamera for kids. In a magazine for toys! There actually was a dvd with Barbie on it. For girls. Boys had of course a Batman-dvd. What the hell...?! How could children actually develop their imagination? And more, learn to live with boredom. You mustn't have fun every second. Sometimes it's boring. Driving in the car to grandma's house can be boring. Live with it. It's important to learn how a boring hour feels like. But nowadays you can watch dvd:s in the car. Like my friend Tony says....it's grrreat. I disagree with Tony.
Will everything eventually be controlled by virtual life? Will we have an "I, robot" situation, or a "Matrix" situation or even a "We Will Rock You situation"? Probably not. But hey, you never know.
Let me be clear about one thing. I appreciate Microsoft, Apple and other things that have brought me internet, ipods, tv, dvd:ds. I just don't think we should let them control us that easily. Let's face it, the internet consists of a lot of crap. A lot. A lot. But still...you know.
You wanna know me? Don't rely on machines. You wanna talk to me? Don't sit up waiting on msn for me to log in. That's just sad. Call me. Send me a sms. Show up at my doorstep. I'd probably be surprised and maybe even scared, but in the long run...I would appreciate it.
mvg ^^
1) Jag lovar att lyssna på vad som helst när som helst.
Allt från diffusa, personliga besvär, som man bara kan förklara som "gröööh, blöö..huh...suck", klockan 3 på natten, till Boreanaz breda axlar, under en åktur i en berg-och-dalabana. :D Whatever, whenever, wherever.
2) Livet är fanimej en berg-och-dalbana.
Och att vara en människa i detta överciviliserade samhälle är krångligt. Man tänker för mycket på för krångliga saker, i.e. meaning of life.
We've got to question everything. That's how we're raised. We wanna have recognition, love. We live to get praised. Think we're TOO damn smart. This world is TOO messed up. To live is a talent, an art...?
3) Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Jag fruktar, ärligt talat, en elektronisk revolution i framtiden. Och även om man gör stora framgångar inom IT, så förlorar man på något sätt en del av den naturliga mänskligheten.
Vi består redan, en del av oss, i pixlar. Sociala krets heter [email protected]. Glädje återspeglas i smajlisar.
Caught in a landslide. No escape from reality.
Låter detta oerhört konservativt? Jag tycker att jag är framåtsträvande, men man ska alltid komma ihåg varifrån man kommer, kärnan, röttena, mänsligheten.
Fan, va långt detta blev.
Men jag säger WORD till ditt ytterst tänkvärda inlägg. THAT's what I'm talking about!
Taaaaack! Gud vad jag älskar dig VannePanne!
oh my..din sötnöt
klockren du e!