BIG trouble in liiiitle China

Allting blir så mycket bättre bara du har en kompis att dela det med. Även B-filmer från 80-talet med Kurt Russel i huvudrollen. "Big trouble in little China" håller fortfarande måttet.

När man var liten var man livrädd och drömde mardrömmar om alla monster och trollkarlar med lysande ögon och naglar som kunde dö är det bara underhållande! Eller jo..okej då, lite läskigt var det. Alla minnen kommer ju tillbaka...även de dåliga.

Men gud så bra den är. Action när den är som bäst.

Bara man har en kompis som man kan skratta tillsammans med! <3

Postat av: Vanne

Den bästa scenen följer:

Gracie: The godfather of little china, mr. David Lo Pan.
Margo: You mean the David Lo Pan who is chairman of the National Orient Bank and owns the Wing Kong import-export trading company, but who?s so elusive that no-one has ever laid eyes on this guy in years?!
Jack: Who the hell are you anyway?


Margo: This is just so shocking. I mean, I must just be so monumentally naive!
Eddie: You are.


Wang: I?m going. Now. Alone if I have to!
Gracie: What? Where? It?s pouring out there!
Wang: Lo Pan?s. The Wing Kong exchange.
Gracie: The Wing Kong exchange? The most dangerous cut throw (?) den of mad men? You can?t just waltz in and out of there like?
Wang: ?like the wind! Yes, I can, miss Law. My mind and my spirit are as one.
Jack: As two! I said I was coming.
Gracie: I go with you.
Jack: I know. There?s a problem with your face.

Okay, you people sit tight, hold the fork and keep the home fires burning. If we?re not home by dawn ? call the president.


Postat av: Vanne

Fan, den innan blev ju fel med tecknen och sånt. Jag kör igen. It's worth it ;D

Alltså, den bästa scenen följer:

Gracie: The godfather of little China, mr. David Lo Pan.
Margo: You mean the David Lo Pan who is chairman of the National Orient Bank and owns the Wing Kong import-export trading company, but who's so elusive that no-one has ever laid eyes on this guy in years?!
Jack: Who the hell are you anyway?


Margo: This is just so shocking. I mean, I must just be so monumentally naive!
Eddie: You are.


Wang: I'm going. Now. Alone if I have to!
Gracie: What? Where? It's pouring out there!
Wang: Lo Pan's. The Wing Kong exchange.
Gracie: The Wing Kong exchange? The most dangerous cut throw (?) den of mad men? You can't just waltz in and out of there like...
Wang: the wind! Yes, I can, miss Law. My mind and my spirit are as one.
Jack: As two! I said I was coming.
Gracie: I go with you.
Jack: I know. There's a problem with your face.

Okay, you people sit tight, hold the fork and keep the home fires burning. If we're not home by dawn - call the president.


2008-01-13 @ 23:28:33

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